China erleichtert Einreise für deutsche Reisende: Visumfreiheit für 15 Tage

China Facilitates Entry for German Travelers: Visa-Free Stay for 15 Days

Germany and five other states will no longer require a visa for China starting from December 1, 2023, for stays of 15 days or less. This surprising announcement applies to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and Malaysia, encompassing business trips, tourism, transit, and visits to friends and family.

According to Mao Ning, the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the decision aims to promote exchanges between China and these nations and support China's openness. The regulation is initially valid for one year, allowing travelers to leave the country after 15 days and re-enter for another 15 days.

This unilateral decision by China maintains the visa requirement for Chinese citizens traveling to the European Schengen area. While the specific choice of the five EU states is unexplained, they are the largest economies in the European Union.

Experts highlight that the relaxation is primarily driven by economic considerations. China's economic recovery since the end of strict Covid-19 measures a year ago has been slower than anticipated. The decision is seen as a positive signal for the tourism industry and economic cooperation post-pandemic.

Jens Hildebrand, the CEO of the German Chamber of Commerce in China, welcomes the easing and sees it as a positive signal for investors. Germany's Ambassador to China, Patrizia Flor, hopes that the decision will extend to all EU countries.

China Facilitates Entry for German Travelers: Visa-Free Stay for 15 Days

Seize the opportunity to explore China without a visa! Take advantage of the new regulation for a stay of up to 15 days. Planning your trip to China? offers budget-friendly flight tickets, including accommodation.

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